Winter 2018
Journal Publication of Interest
Hopkins and colleagues September 2018 BMC paper Data sharing from pharmaceutical industry sponsored clinical studies: audit of data availability assesses if data sharing policies are facilitating independent researcher access to participant-level data from industry-sponsored trials 2 years after publication of the primary results.
EMA’s ‘Clinical data publication’ page
This page explains that EMA is temporarily suspending clinical data publication until further notice.
This page also includes links to:
The "Support for industry on clinical data publication" page
This comprehensive page includes detailed guidance for pharmaceutical companies on requirements to comply with Policy 0070, and also includes downloadable justification table templates
EMA's clinical data website
This page hosts publicly disclosed clinical data
The latest implementation guidance is Revision 4 dated 09 November 2018; read the summary of changes.
Data Sharing Conference, Brussels February 2019
On 12th and 13th February 2019, the ECCRT Data Transparency Conference will take place in Brussels. The programme on "Demystifying Clinical Data Transparency: Lessons learnt so far" includes speakers from the CORE Reference development team. Registration is now open.